Over the last couple months, I’ve had the opportunity to share Far Away with a younger audience. The King County Library System hosts board gaming meetups featuring local designers and local youths. It’s always so fascinating to watch kids play a game. It’s so natural to them. These particular Far Away sessions were interesting enough that I wanted to meditate (blog) about some age-related thoughts.
Far Away Design Journal - Recent Refactoring
We’ve been keeping busy on all the Far Away fronts. The Cherry Picked Team has updated the print-and-play with our new creature and building card designs. This is an important internal milestone. Because of that, we wanted to publicly share our next production steps.
Federation Credits
Money is the ultimate motivator in the space-future. Far Away’s Federation Alliance sends their explorers on missions not for the pure advancement of science, but for the potential to turn a profit. We don’t want players to mistake this capitalism for malice. The Federation isn’t evil. They are an underfunded bureaucratic organization that needs to prove why they deserve funding next fiscal year. We want to players to feel that same drive for financial stability the Federation does. So, we’re adding the concept of Federation Credits (FC).