
We Shipped...

I never made an official post here about shipping. All the Catalyst Kickstarter copies and pre-orders have been sent out. If you haven't received anything from us (including digital rewards) please let us know.

As mentioned through Kickstarter, the custom dice for $90+ backers are delayed and should arrive here in a couple weeks. We'll post KS updates and double check shipping addresses with people when the time comes. 

The player and game master apps are coming soon. The Android player app will be first; expect details within the week. The others will be hot around the corner.

Three more backer-commissioned  premade campaigns are also in various stages of completion. The "Fourth World" playtests are wrapping up, so our gunslinging, Northern-Arizona saga will be available shortly afterwards.

Thanks again for the love all around. Send us pictures, stories, sketches, character sheets, rule disputes, or whatever other Catalyst fandom stuff you have. We can't wait!


Digital Orders

PDF copies of Catalyst are now available for purchase. Pre-ordering for the physical copy ends Monday, when regular sales begin.

Campaigns, which serve as guides for game masters through stories we designed, will start arriving later week. Our first one is "Runaways": set in a world where the demons dramatically overpowered humanity, the players must escape captivity and brave the harsh Colorado wilderness in order to survive.