Far Away has left the factory. It is currently at the Port of Shanghai, ready to be sent state-side. The estimated delivery date is February 4th. Once we have secured the shipment, we’ll fulfill all Kickstarter and pre-orders. We’ll also send out review copies at this time (if you are a reviewer and wish to look at Far Away, please get in touch).
A Note on Holiday Shipping
CPG uses FedEx or USPS to ship games for our store orders. Typical domestic ship times range from 2-5 business days. If you need a game by a certain date, please include this in your order notes. We will do our best to expedite orders during the holiday season up to 12/20. At that date, we are unlikely to get you your game by Christmas.
Thanks for supporting Cherry Picked Games. Please use the code “CRANBERRY” at checkout to get 15% off your order before 12/20.