Far Away Retrospective - Applying the Lessons

Far Away Retrospective - Applying the Lessons

This is the final part of a three-part retrospective series on Far Away. In this series, we explore the development or Far Away and the lessons learned along the way.

We did it. Far Away is in the hands of backers. It’s on the street for retailers (whatever that actually means in the current pandemic world). People are staying things about it on Board Game Geek. By all those metrics, Far Away is now a real game. This marks our fourth title we’ve taken from idea to production. We’ve spent the other two retrospective articles looking back on the development, so, with the game’s release, it only feels appropriate to look forward and talk about how we’ll approach the next game differently.

On International Shipping

On International Shipping

If you’ve been following Far Away on Kickstarter, you know we’ve had some unexpected issues with international shipments. Some (not all) of our backers were charged customs fees. We are refunding those fees to both backers and anyone who ordered the game through cherrypickedgames.com (this very site). Please send us the receipt or charge information, and we’ll refill your pockets.