Cascadia Militia

Hello to all the new fans from OrcaCon. We had a blast running Catalyst games and playtesting Drink! in the bar (using all 2,000 coasters we supplied ). It was excellent to meet so many awesome people and see some friends from events past. Special shout-out to Jen Page for insisting we make Catalyst characters over wine and spawning the hilarious meme of "Jerry the Floppy" (a prisoner the group murdered to escape jail and kept as a souvenir). The positive reception we got for both games warmed our hearts (compensating for the lack of heating in the CPG office). To that end, there are a couple of things we wanted to follow-up on.

First, we're going to start a weekly drop-in Catalyst night. This would be a GM leading their campaign with mostly the same group then rotating to a new storyteller after a few weeks. To start, we would be extremely happy to finish any of the Runaways of Rehabilitation campaigns we began at OrcaCon. Help us schedule this event by picking the day and place.

Second, many people asked about the leather-bound Catalyst book we had. Despite warning this process is probably more expensive than you would expect, there was still a great deal of interest. We will look into that cost and add it as an option to the Catalyst Purchasing page. If you all want swag, we are happy to provide.

Finally, we received feedback on some layout choices for our Catalyst character and reference sheets. We are looking into tweaking those based on some suggestions. If you want to make sure your voice is heard, please contact our Catalyst lead at Expect a player app patch with usability tweaks soon too. App feedback should go to

Thank you for a wonderful experience OrcaCon. The Cascadian tabletop community is outstanding and we are honored to be a part of it.