Far Away

Far Away Retrospective - Where We've Been

Far Away Retrospective - Where We've Been

This is the first in a three-part retrospective series on Far Away. Over the next couple weeks, we’ll explore the development or Far Away and the lessons learned along the way.

In three years, Far Away went from an idea on a poll to an internationally sold game. It’s been an incredible journey thus far, with the best yet to come: real people getting the game. We wanted to take a meditative breather before the final stretch and reflect on how we got to this point. We’ll try to keep the navel-gazing to a minimum and focus on some lessons that may benefit aspiring designers in the audience.

Far Away - January Status

Far Away - January Status

Far Away has left the factory. It is currently at the Port of Shanghai, ready to be sent state-side. The estimated delivery date is February 4th. Once we have secured the shipment, we’ll fulfill all Kickstarter and pre-orders. We’ll also send out review copies at this time (if you are a reviewer and wish to look at Far Away, please get in touch).