Crisis averted. We got another case of Drink! Turn the music back on and let’s keep partying.
Drink! - Temporarily out of Stock
The well has run dry at CPG headquarters. Drink! is temporarily out of stock. We’re going to shuffle around a few cases with our distributors and get the Drinks flowing again soon.
Guiding Questions
Cherry Picked Games now has four titles under our belts. It’s a diverse catalog, to say the least. Switching between genres and themes helps keep us engaged and excited, both for the new games and the old. What it doesn’t help with is creating a clear niche for gamers to associate with our brand. We’re not an RPG publisher or “the drinking game dudes”. So, we have to be consistent in our approach to games. There’s a Cherry Picked style that’s been cultivated over the years. We want people to have expectations about our games that go beyond simple mechanics or illustrative styles.