I check Board Game Geek frequently. It’s probably not healthy. Still, I want to know how my games are doing. Does someone have a rules question? Better answer it. Did someone upload a new photo? Cool, I love the modifications people do to Far Away. Did someone leave a nice review or rating? What a wonderful feeling. Did someone leave a terrible review? Time to obsess about it!
Far Away: Corporate Espionage Crowdfunding Preview
Far Away: Corporate Espionage is coming to GameFound soon. You can check out the preview page today! Following the project will get you a discount on the actual campaign, so you should do that!
PAX West 2024
PAX: the massive gaming convention that takes over Seattle’s downtown and floods the area with cosplay, nerds, and sometimes swine flu. I love it! It’s one of the few conventions I go to as a guest. This year, though, we’re stepping up our game. CPG will have their first booth at PAX West this weekend!