Decoded Conspire Status
Conspire’s July Kickstarter update went out a couple days ago. As much as we love the flavorful versions of our status updates, we want to clearly articulate where we are in the production process. The important part is that we are still on track to ship to Kickstarter backers and pre-orders in September.
First, let us talk about Conspire’s core book. The mechanics and text are set. We are not changing the game at this point. We are still adding in the artwork. All the space for backer-requested art and functional diagrams is allocated in the layout. We are posting some of the illustrations as we finish them. Stay tuned for more of Jake’s wonderfully twisted art.
We have several Kickstarter-exclusive rewards. The fancy poker chips are sitting in the CPG office, ready to go. We have the leather bindings sourced and awaiting the printed books. Scheduling emails have been sent to everyone regarding our improv classes. We have most of the deluxe edition components sourced, though the original folders we were planning on using proved to not be durable enough. For those, we are getting quotes and samples from several local packaging and paper design companies.
Conspire’s production feels on par with our other projects at this point. We are finishing up the main component while the other loose ends associated with the Kickstarter start to fall into place. If things start to slip, we will openly communicate that.
Thanks everyone. Keep spreading the conspiracy.