Far Away

So You're Considering Customizing Far Away?

So You're Considering Customizing Far Away?

Far Away’s Kickstarter offers two tiers for those wishing to leave their mark on the game. You can add a creature to the game, giving players a unique friend/enemy/frenemy to discover/fight/be eaten by. You could also create a mission. This not only gives you an immense amount of influence over the experiences players have, but adds a mission to the game for everyone, giving the game more replay value. Both these tiers add more content to the game, which makes you awesome for backing at them. Backer Issac had a question about the questions we ask while designing your content, so we want to indulge and inspire more high-rolling backers.

New Experiences

New Experiences

Satya Nadella preaches “customer-obsession” to his employees. He proclaims, “the core of our business must be the curiosity and desire to meet a customer’s unarticulated and unmet needs with great technology.” The word “unarticulated” strikes a note with us while we’re deep in Far Away’s iterative design and playtesting phases. We receive a lot of feedback. All of it is recorded and considered. However, the data only goes so far. Feedback often misses the root problem and directly addressing it may work against the player experience.